Five Group Zoom - Sunday October 8th
Sacred Geometry
Trish Mills
If Trish Mills can do an information-packed presentation on Sacred
Geometry, then I guess I can do the write-up of it! In her Introduction,
Trish said that maths was a closed book for her at school. Same with me.
Trish presented this talk at the BSD Conference last month. It is based
around the work of John Gibson-Forty as described in his book,
The Interconnectedness of All Things. Trish is on a mission to publicise
this work, and this was one of the reasons why she had pre-recorded her
presentation - as well as being present at the Zoom call. For posterity.
John Gibson-Forty is unwell - as is Trish herself following a vaccine
injury. It was Trish who arranged the reprint of The Interconnectedness
of All Things (quite soon after I’d paid a ‘rare book’ price for my copy) at
the suggestion of Richard Fry, the current President of the BSD.
Trish defined Geometry as not only the measurement of the Earth, but
also the measurement of everything in relation to everything, in harmony.
She quoted Goethe as saying that ‘architecture is frozen music’ and
someone else as saying that ‘music is arithmetic you can hear’. She
showed example after example of harmonic proportion in geological
formations, the seven basic shapes in crystals and the five Platonic solids,
which are polygons, can be fitted into a circle, and which make up all
other matter.
Plato, Pythagoras and Socrates, all ancient Greek philosophers, learned
from Arabs, the Chinese and Greeks and concluded that ‘All is Nature,
and Nature is numbers’.
Plato himself, in 427BCE, came up with the Golden Ratio: 1.618.
Apparently all bank cards and rugby posts are produced in line with the
pleasing harmonic proportions of the Golden Ratio. If the short edge of
the rectangle is 1, then the long edge is 1.618 units of the short edge.Trish spoke of triangles, spirals, pentagons, Greek letters and how all geometric figures are born of a Vesica Piscis. Not to mention how a Vesica Piscis is the focal image in a Sheela-na-gig.
There were themes based around the Fibonacci sequence, fractals, crop
circles and Chartres and St, Paul’s cathedrals; to scratch the surface of
what Trish covered before moving on to the double helix of DNA and its
comparison with the caduceus, or staff of Hermes/Mercury with 2
serpents entwined around it.
We then moved into the sacred geometry of the Cosmos. Nebulas, for
instance, and how it was the Babylonians in the 5th century BC had
figured out the constellations rather than the Greeks. Trish spent some
time on ancient and imperial measurement, their use in neolithic stone
structures and quoted various scientists who recognise that humans are
comprised of stardust, and we wouldn’t be here at all had stars not
exploded, releasing the same elements that we have in our bodies.
We were left with the thought that this may be another reason for the
Stone Age interest in astronomy; to get back to where we came from.
John Gibson-Forty also wrote Forgotten Pathways, which is a gazetteer
of the flows/lines that radiate outwards from the (nearby) late White-
leaved oak in Herefordshire in a decagon; these flows were energised by
perpetual choirs.
Both this book and The Interconnectedness of All Things are £25 from
her and the BSD shop, but Trish was so delighted to have found our Five-
Group audience that she announced a special price of £40 for both books.
Ali Denham
Tamar Dowsers
October 2023