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Feb 2024 - Trish Mills

The Interconnectedness of All Things

Sound and The Perpetual Choirs

A shared Zoom talk to the Devon, Tamar, Trencrom,

Somerset and Thames Valley Dowsing Groups

This talk followed on from Trish’s presentation to the Five-Group last October which was based on John Gibson Forty’s (JGF) book, “The Interconnectedness of All Things”. Whereas Trish’s theme in October was Sacred Geometry, in this presentation it was Sound, notably the human voice.

The backstory covers John Michell’s visionary and practical research into the Welsh triads that told of the three perpetual choirs two thousand years ago. These were based at Llantwit Major, Amesbury near Stonehenge, and Glastonbury. Each choir had 2,400 men, with 100 men chanting at any one time, 24/7, with 7,200 in total. This use of the vibratory harmonics of sound and the human voice enchanted the landscape of Britain.

The story continued when JGF received an unexpected phone call resulting in him and his friend Peter Watson dowsing all 10 evenly spaced lines of the Decagon which emanate from Ragged Stone Hill, near White-leaved Oak in the Malverns. This area is also renowned for its Three Choirs vineyard, and the Three Choirs Festival which alternates between Gloucester, Hereford and Worcester and began in the early 1700s. John and Peter then went on to dowse the circumference, with the ancient Three Choirs located on its southern edge. See image above, with permission from Trish for use here.

JGF’s second book, ‘Forgotten Pathways’, is a gazetteer of every line and all the sacred sites they found in their three and a half years of tracking the lines, taking them as far as Stafford in the north, Glastonbury in the south, Llandovery in the west and Milton Keynes in the east.

Then JGF’s life was catastrophically affected by a stroke at the age of 59, and he is currently in a care home near Chepstow. John and Peter’s legwork, and their research, is surely on a par with the epic of Hamish Miller and Paul Broadhurst in their Sun and the Serpent publication, and it fell to Trish Mills to get it published in 2012, and then publicised.

Trish told us that John was interested in earth energies, frequencies, music and Radionics. John and Peter were puzzled when the first line they dowsed, Line 1, stopped short of Chartley Castle which they believed to be its end point. John eventually realised through his familiarity with radionics that energy does not recognise time or space. They adapted their dowsing and asked to be shown the line as it was 2,000 to 2,500 years ago. And lo, Line 1 continued through Chartley Castle! They then had to go back to re-dowse what they’d already done so far as it had been 2,000+ years ago.

In terms of the power of sound, and what our ancestors knew they were working with, Trish gave multiple examples. Here are just a few: the carvings in the 14 arches of the Rosslyn Chapel suggest a code based on cymatic resonance; the walls of Jericho purportedly came crashing down after the Israelite army circled the town sounding their trumpets and shouting. And Jonathan Goldman tells of a special visit with a group of six into an underground chamber at the Mayan city of Palenque in Mexico. They went at night, and after they had become accustomed to the pitch black they began to chant and witnessed the chamber become illuminated.

Author JGF contends that two other perpetual choirs were also established across Britain.Back at the Decagon, there was initially some puzzlement as to why Line 1 varied in width between 29’ wide on a Sunday morning and 326’ wide later that day, only to diminish in width again over the following week. John and Peter found that this widening of the line coincided with the Sunday morning service at Little Malvern Priory and all the other religious buildings en route.

The same line also ran through Wolverhampton Wanderers football stadium and that too underwent a 7-fold increase on match day, after 90 minutes of secular singing and no doubt other heartfelt engagement!

The enthusiasm for what Trish had told us came over during the questions afterwards, and there were several enquiries as to how to buy the book. The answer is, email Trish at, £25 per book, or £40 for both plus £5 P+P.

John Moss also told the tale of his involvement with dowsing the Decagon when he was a member of South Herefordshire dowsers himself, and I am so, so glad that Trish’s presentation, of which the above is only a synopsis, is the essence of what most of the 70+ attendees will remember, rather than the computer crash in the first 5 minutes which mattered because it was playing the recording of Trish’s presentation at the time and, ominously, has happened before! Everyone was very patient and remained positive while Trevor rebooted his computer, and I’m very grateful for that.

Ali Denham

(Edited by Trish Mills)


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