Amy Jo Ellis
Five-Group Zoom - Wednesday 17th May 2023
“Spiritually Resolving Conflicts”
Using The Full Court of Atonement (At-one-ment)
Amy spoke to us from the U.S. with tale after tale of miraculous outcomes for a range of seemingly intractable dire situations. Her examples tended to be of the inter-personal conflict and discord type, but she has also used The Full Court of Atonement to save most of her parent’s home from the wildfires in Arizona last year. She also told us that the booklet available on her website about resolving money issues has received rave reviews.
Indeed, Ramon Grace himself reported to her that he used her Full Court of Atonement and got his best friend back after 20 years. Her website, is packed with helpful explanations, resources, options for email support for 14 days and is well worth a visit for those wanting to know more than this write-up says.
She initially put her ability to dowse on a backburner because her husband was disquieted by it. However, after recovering from a temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit by using dowsing, she began her spiritual career and found she was clairaudient and that she had spirit guides.
Her guidance to develop a Full Court of Atonement began on her son’s birthday when all the family members gave him a birthday call. Her husband remarked how he’d like his family members to call him on his birthday. Using their Full Names (their ‘sacred phone numbers’) she put the souls of members of her husband’s family into a Court with the Intention of healing conflict between them. One month later, all five family members called her husband on his birthday.
As developments continued, Amy realised that this was a method that anyone could do and that miracles continue to happen. She says to wait a couple of weeks after using the Court, and to avoid what she calls ‘spiritual bullying’ by nagging away at the same issue. If it doesn’t work, then cast the net more broadly; change the approach.
For example, her neighbour often chain smoked outside Amy’s office window, despite the neighbour’s father having died of lung cancer. At first the Court didn’t yield results. Amy then adapted the Purpose of the Court and put the neighbour in the Court with her Father, to resolve issues between them.
One question from the audience concerned the asking of permission of all those who are put in the FCoA. Amy responded that it is the souls of both the living and deceased who are brought to the Court, and souls have the free will to accept or decline.
There seem to be no limits to the beneficial outcomes that the Court can manifest. Amy saved most of her parents’ home from the fire that was engulfing it as they fled. She went back to a time earlier that day and put the home in the Court for the purpose of Home Security. She said this only works if no-one has actually seen the alternative outcome and would seem to be validation that in the Quantum world Past Present and Future exist simultaneously.
Triggered by a question from the audience, Amy said that she and her co-workers are trying to be of benefit to global conflicts. I guess a large part of any success in this instance depends upon managing to find out the full historical nature and causes of the conflicts, and therefore who to put in the Full Court of Atonement. It’s not easy to be duly informed of all the sides in a global conflict. Even then, souls still have free will to accept.
However, for more localised matters, I know of two members of Amy’s audience who have used the FCoA with success. One for a social discord issue, and one for health.
I, myself, still have to wait until two weeks is up (from the time of writing) to know if my requested purpose has a mutually amenable outcome.
Ali Denham,
Tamar Dowsers
May 2023