Temple - Bodmin Moor
These two sites are so close in sight and sound of the A30, it was amazing that so few of us had ever heard of them - let alone been there.
On a dry, but surprisingly blustery July day, fourteen TDs and friends, ventured out to investigate these extensively ruined, but still evocative stone circles.
We started at the Stripple Stones on land adjoining Hawkstor Farm, with access courtesy of the local farmer. This is allegedly the only 'proper' henge monument in the far South West, and although the encircling bank is now just a linear bump on the moor, the tell-tale energy lines showed its original position quite clearly. We were able to trace many of the incoming energy lines, although, as Larry discovered, the patterns inside the ring seemed weak and confused by the removal or fall of so many of the original stones. There was the usual abundance of both surface and deeper water energies. Even the severance of one side of the site by a more modern stone wall had done little to eradicate the sense of this being in a significant place. It was quite possible to discover a number of the standing stones, which had fallen and to dowse their previous locations - giving at least a mental or energetic picture of the site in its former glory.
