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June 2021 - Jude Currivan

‘Living the Evolutionary Power of Unity’

Jude Currivan

A zoom presentation to the

Trencrom, Tamar, Devon Somerset

and Thames valley Dowsing Groups

It was always going to be difficult to find a suitable summary for such a superb run of well attended and much appreciated zoom sessions as we have enjoyed throughout this last year. But ‘the universe’ has a way of finding a way to make such things happen, and this presentation by Jude Currivan was right on the nail. With almost 130 participants across our five groups and including several viewers from other countries joining in, too, this was a finale with (intuitive) fireworks.

For the last couple of decades I have had the great privilege to have come into contact with the some of the great and the good of western dowsing world. Like any greater grouping - be it transport academics, health service professionals, utility network planners or whoever - there are always circles within inner circles of people who ‘really’ seem to be in the know. The deeper you dig the more tangled and secretive the innermost circle seems to be. Much of this tabloid-inspired impression is compete nonsense, of course, and it’s all fertile fodder for the books like Da Vinci Code, which merge faction with fictionality with just enough solid content to keep you wondering.

However, when I first encountered the core of the dowsing nerdwork, I really did feel I had chanced on the edge of something big, something very BIG. Much of what was being discussed in hushed tones and quiet corners really did seem to strike home strongly with both my experience and my intuition. Putting aside the conspiracy theories and the media misinformation, why weren’t these profound revelations changing the very template of how we lived our lives? Time and again, I encountered people with deep insight and demonstrable knowledge, who had at hand the cogent material and the coherent philosophy to create a paradigm shift. Yet, time and again, the moment passed, the wave was subsumed, and the seawall of dualistic materialism remained - apparently untarnished and unbreached.

If Jude Currivan is right, the next big wave might well be the one to herald the turn of the tide.

Jude’s work has been a great source of succour and substance for the more pensive wing of the dowsing diaspora for many years. Clearly, several of the participants at this zoom, myself included, had heard her give a talk in a similar vein, perhaps prescient, to the Conference of the British Society of Dowsers more than a decade ago. Her (then latest) book The Wave was a runaway favourite with both dowsing questors and alternative scientists - and her keynote lecture, given deep into a dark Friday evening, was both ground-breaking and mind-jangling. But much has happened since, and much of that behind the scenes.

It is rare for any movement or worldview to be overwhelmed or superseded by a full frontal attack. Philosophies and social systems tend to become too entrenched, too resilient, too deep-seated to be overcome by the force of words or the volume of noise. Change, when it does come, usually arises from a combination of subtle influences. The things you always knew were there, but somehow you never really appreciated. Then, all of a sudden, and with little fanfare, someone draws the threads together and the picture - which was there all along for those with eyes to see - becomes a majestic new tapestry, a revelation made from the self-aware threads that have been gathering for as long as - well, for at least a couple of decades.

Currivan sets out her stall in a manner that makes the complex interplay of ideas seem logical and obvious. As she says, knowledge comes from many sources, which includes the output of the classical laboratory and radio telescope, but also embraces the deep and continuous intuition of mystics and sages throughout the ages. Jude’s entanglement of ideas is no crude merging of similarly sounding concepts, but the (latest!) culmination of a lifetime’s journey that has taken her from a grounding in classical physics to the outer edge of the emerging reappraisal of the essence of reality.

When dowsers first started to take their craft seriously, beyond the location of physicality and into the realm of information acquisition and transformation, the main obstacle to a wider acceptance seemed to be the traditional outlook of established science. People with a lifetime of dedicated application, and a worldview that supported it, were not going to take on board the ecstatic raving of a few enthusiastic long-haired youths lightly. But empires - physical, social and philosophical - tend to wither from within rather than wilt from without. The Romans would not have been routed by the Visigoth hordes, had their internal society not already become corrupt and their ambition overstretched. Right up to the present day former colonial regimes and religious monocultures are being drained of strength from inside their own ranks long before the migrating masses and alternative worldview arrive to finish off the job.

So it is with traditional science. The new wave of thinkers, like Jude Currivan, are still standing on the platform of those who preceded them, but they are not content just to stop there - are they are morphing traditional thought patterns into different manifestations.

As Jude herself notes, even Professor Brian Cox, long-standing witch-hunter of woo-woo, now feels that a holographic interpretation of the cosmos is a distinct possibility. It’s a giant step, and probably one which will go quite unnoticed by Jo and Joan Public. But his colleague Jim Al-Khalili has quietly been standing, thoughtfully, on a similar bridge for some time. Naturally, no one mentions the D word, but the silent sound of an ancient tree tumbling in the gentle breeze in some impenetrable forest in a distant land does not go unnoticed by those in the innermost circle of the dowsing community.

Jude’s talk was as much about practical action and synchronistic unfolding as it was the unfurling nature of philosophy. Given that this event was set up months agowithy Jill Moss, it is almost amusing that the talk was spot on, time-wise, for potentially portentous events of international significance that are unfolding in the heart of our area almost as I write.

The G7 meeting of some of the old guard of the capitalist cabal is coming together in Carbis Bay, Cornwall, at exactly the same time (June 19th - 26th 2021) as World Unity Awareness Week.

Additionally, Jude noted the synchronicity of the impact of westcountry aristocrat Wellesley Tudor Pole and the Minute of Silence. Please see these links, supplied by JC, which explain this in more detail:

Global Silent Minute 777 Countdown to G7 | Sydney Goodwill

Tudor Pole was the creator of the 'Silent Minute' in the Second World War, where the people were asked to devote one minute of prayer for peace at nine o'clock each evening,

when the bell of Big Ben sounded.

History of the Silent Minute - Global Silent Minute

Jude Currivan also spoke about the 'World Unity' week 19th - 26th June.

More information can be found on the website below.

WholeWorld View (

Jude managed to cover a great swathe of ground in one session. Even I was unaware that an hour and a half had passed, which is always a good indicator of attention attraction. She even managed to squeeze in an unhurried mediation on the eight key words of the themes of World Unity Awareness Week:









The last of these being the internalisation that each and every one of us belongs here, on this planet - and that our existence has both meaning and purpose.

It may not be new rocket science, but it gets right to heart of our current perceived separation.

As time-honoured gurus and prophets intoned - in the beginning was the word. There was light, but it came along later. She compared the start of the current cycle of the universe (dubbed The Big Bang by British astronomer, Fred Hoyle) as more like the Breath of Arjuna from the Indian Vedic tradition. The cosmos as we know it developed very, very fast - but not like the destructive and chaotic explosion of dynamite; more like the ordered outflow of life in potential.

It is always reassuring, and enlightening, to hear from someone who is as intellectually and intuitively at home with the wisdom of the ancients and the meaning in archetypes as she is with the mathematics of black holes and the physics of interstellar dust - treating all as worthy and valid sources of understanding.

As consciousness is rising and awareness is evolving, even the men in white coats are morphing, perhaps a little reluctantly, into citizens of the 21st century. The randomness of chance mutations is giving way to the influence of underlying patterns in the ether. Maybe in this iteration structured intuition finally becomes acknowledged as a useful and fundamental piece of the cosmic jigsaw.

The day of the dowser may yet dawn, but don’t hold the press just yet.

Jude’s presentation may have been expansive and timeless, but her invective is current and urgent. Building on the mantra of the Green movement, first voiced in the 1970’s, it is for us to:

Act Local

Feel Global

but Think Cosmic

We are all indigenous peoples of this planet, we are all Gaians.

Many thanks to Jude Currivan for an impressive and inspiring talk. I am sure I speak on behalf of the whole of the south western dowsing community in wishing her, and her colleagues, every success in the discussions and debates yet to come.

Nigel Twinn

Tamar Dowsers

June 2021

Jude Currivan’s latest book The Cosmic Hologram In-formation at the Centre of Creation(2017) is published by Inner Traditions

This is intended to be the first part of a trilogy - with the second, Gaia - Her Story, due out in 2022.


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