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January 2015 - The Subtle Sensations of Sound, Wendy Scott and Jan McLoughlin

January 2015

The Subtle Sensations of Sound

 The interplay between dowsing and sound is almost uncharted territory.

Yet, I have become aware in recent years that all sound, all movement, even mere presence, can have a tangible – often measurable – effect on the realm of energy and information examined by the dowser.

 A few years ago, local gong player, Wendy Scott, welcomed in the sunrise at Merrivale on Dartmoor by sounding one of her marvellous instruments.  The effect on the energy of the adjacent menhir was almost electric, and I have spent the intervening period trying to set up a date that would enable other dowsers to examine this effect in somewhat more benign climatic conditions.

 Wendy plays a range of instruments, from the energy field-clearing sounds of the rattle and the conch, to the sublime emanations of her Swiss and Chinese gongs – which she uses to great effect.  The first demonstration was to show the impact of a smaller Chinese-made healing gong on the human aura – and a call for assistance brought a rush of volunteers willing to be ‘sounded out’.  Dowsing before and after this brief introduction showed that a typical human aura doubles in size, presumably in direct response to the sound vibrations – even in such a contrived situation, with a sizeable audience looking on attentively.  The strength of the aura, which is probably more relevant when we are considering general well-being and self-healing, also increased by a significant percentage.

 The main part of the presentation involved an extended session using two large Swiss-made Paiste gongs.  Wendy’s full performances usually take around an hour and a half, but in the interests of having an introduction to the subject, and a feedback session afterwards (and still getting those attending on their way home before nightfall!) we curtailed it to something of a demi-session.

 The dowsing in the hall, undertaken before the main event of the afternoon, had allowed us to quantify and mark up the widths of the energy and water lines that run under (or should that be through?) the room.  Additionally, in response to a request to be shown the main source of detrimental energy in the hall, I was led to find an oval blob of something in the ether, a few feet either side of the fire exit door.  Various attempts to identify the source of this negativity were only partially successful – and it was even suggested that the somewhat unceremonious (and rather late!) removal of the hall’s Christmas tree, just as we were setting up, might have left some minor malaise.

 It was interesting to note that the initial human aura measurement demonstration had a direct, and unintentional, effect on the main energy line – increasing its width each side by a couple of feet.  It was a stark reminder of how everything we do, even with the best of intent, ripples out in to the unseen and unimaginably complex layers of reality that we inhabit.

 Dowsing after the main gong bath showed that the energy line had expanded by at least two and a half full paces each side (and remember that energy lines are believed to reemble spiralling tubes).  The quality of the line, however, remained largely unaffected.  While we were unable to undertake repeated investigations and analysis in an environment such as this, it does imply that the sound vibrations may expand earth energy quantitively, and significantly so, but may not have a corresponding affect on their quality.  (The previous experience, at Merrivale, was at a site already well-endowed with very beneficial energy.)   The water line expanded a little, but it was unclear if this was directly related to the impact of sound. (Our dowsing at eclipses has also indicated that water lines may be largely unaffected by such vibrations.)

 The most startling, and somewhat unexpected, outcome was that the detrimental energy by the fire exit all but disappeared.  We were left with a trace remanence, barely marking what had been a quite definite and distinctive patch before the session started.  Will it resurface in due course?  So may questions!

 Wendy’s main contribution was clearly enjoyed by just about everyone, even if the reception of the vibrations varied from person to person – much as we see and hear differently from one another.  Some sensed various colours, both bright and restrained in the dimmed lighting, while others were affected by the pulsing of the sound.  It is difficult to report these findings other than in a personal and subjective manner, but it was apparent that most people had felt the whole experience to be beneficial to them – and from the flurry of questions both during and after the show, it was apparent that Wendy had generated a lot of interest amongst the dowsing community, the healers who were present and from those who hoped to derive specific benefit from such a ‘treatment’.

 During the main delivery, TD member and Chair of the Devon Dowsers, Paul Gerry, recorded the brain waves of his partner Angie Kibble.  As some of you will know, Paul is a Clinical Neurophysiologist working in Exeter, who is making a study of this subject, using equipment provided by the BSD.  Paul did bravely try to show us the untreated results on his laptop, but a mixture of scale and reflection made this all-but impossible in practical terms.   There were clearly repeated spikes of activity in the brainwaves, produced at the threshold between sleeping and wakefulness, but if he is able to summarise his results – or maybe even to put them on to the Internet in some form, I will try to circulate them.

 The corporate silence during the performance, and the animated chatter thereafter, indicated that people generally had derived something significant from the afternoon.  Some even congratulated me on disclosing such a fascinating area of research.  However, like all dowsers, I realise that I am just a minor conduit in the great scheme of things – and I have dutifully passed on your kind words to whoever files such acknowledgements in the Management Office.

 Many thanks to Wendy, and to her colleague Jan McLoughlin, for taking the time and effort to enable us to enjoy such a worthwhile afternoon.

Nigel Twinn, Tamar Dowsers, January 2015

Wendy Scott’s website is


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