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December 2004 - Ann Moore

Dowsing with a Twist

(from lost souls to lost parrots)

This first venture by the TDs into the outside world of public lectures turned out to be something of a runaway success.

Nearly 40 people - probably twice the previous largest attendance at a TDs event - turned up to North Hill Village Hall, implying that we had tapped into another rich vein of interest, to put alongside our customary field trips.

Despite the public image of a 'diviner' as being an eccentric old bloke, with a big beard, wide-staring eyes and a hazel stick, people like Ann Moore are far more typical - a mature, level-headed, experienced and generous person, happy to share her gift for a modest reward - and sometimes for not even that.

Ann has been aware of her psychic abilities for most of her life, but in recent years she has turned this trait to the benefit of the society around her.

She started her talk by described the tools of her trade. Although essentially a 'deviceless' dowser, Ann makes use of a German-designed Hartmann 'rod'. This looked a bit like a television aerial bent into the shape of a fish, but turned out to be a very sensitive directional device, operated by one finger on each hand - an interesting variation on the traditional L-rod. This proved to be of great interest to the attendees and all her stock had disappeared by the end of the afternoon. Her other implement was the biometer which, used in conjunction with a pendulum, indicated the changing level of vibration present at a location.

Ann spent much of the rest of her talk describing some of the more interesting cameos from her varied career as a dowser, healer and psychic - from lost objects and lost people, to lost souls and lost parrots.

Although much of her work seems to be involved with the concerns of people who had bought or inherited houses that contain things that go 'bump in the night', she was keen to emphasise that not everything in metaphysics should be regarded as alarming or dangerous. Most of what lies beyond the five traditional senses is either harmless or beneficial - and, with a slight change of attitude, can be safely left alone.

Her tales of searching for lost objects were a source of much amusement and her vast experience of issues to look out for while doing so, highly educational.

Every longer-standing dowser has their own take on the world of energy and vibration that surrounds and includes our sensory sphere. Listening to someone like Ann, who has come up through a different tradition and has lived in very different places, I found that outlook both challenging and enlightening.

Ann spoke for much longer than we had agreed, and the time just flew past, as it so often does at dowsing events. Even then, she stayed for ages afterwards answering people's questions and instructing them on the use of her instruments.

Anyone who is willing to spend all her Sunday travelling from, and back home to, Penwith, on the strength of a cup of tea and an undisclosed donation to charity gets serious brownie points from me.

Many thanks to Ann for coming, to Jen and Larry for bringing her, to Peter for bringing his laptop full of interesting TD pictures - a kind of looped video diary of our dowsing year - to Ruth and others for serving refreshments, to Annie for holding the fort on the door and signing up new members, and to everyone else for attending and making this one of our most successful events to date.

A special mention should be made too of Jenny Bousfield, who helps to organise North Hill Village Hall and saved us an awful lot of trouble, by dealing with the venue arrangements. Despite being in the middle of a major re-fit, the Village Hall was perfect for the event and, without wishing to tempt fate, could provide us with a spiritual home (if you'll pardon the phase) for future such events. I think the excellent meal at the Race Horse Inn played a positive part too!

Our website administrator tells me that these write-ups get accessed from everywhere from Chile to Japan. So, festive greetings to all our readers, wherever you may live!! Come and join us if you are ever passing this way.

Nigel Twinn

Tamar Dowsers

December 2004



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