A Zoom presentation by Alessandra Previdi
An Introduction to Radionics
What is it and what are its enormous possibilities?
For some, the whole idea of radionics - generating structured information and transmitting it through time and space - is a bridge too far, even for an experienced dowser. Yet here, Alessandra Previdi, President of the Società Italiana di Radionica e Radiestesia, made a solid and impassioned case, not only for its efficacy, but for its significance. The obvious question for anyone new to the field is that if radionics is so demonstrable, yet so simple to apply, why doesn’t everyone of use it all the time?

Alessandra started by describing radionics as the sister of dowsing - a parallel path from a conjoined starting point. It can be argued that the essence of radionics is present in everything from the geometry of the most ancient of sacred sites, right through to cutting edge IT. It is one method among many of mining deep into the informational base of reality - and of interacting with it. It shows that we are part of a ‘single holographic organism’. Everything and everybody is but a drop in the universal ocean yet, simultaneously, the ocean is present in every drop.
Radionics, as a niche discipline in its own right, was born in the first part of the 20th century, with experimenters such as Albert Abraham (1863-1924) in the US, and George and Marjorie de Warr in the UK taking a decidedly scientific approach. The first wave of laboratory equipment was connected to a source of electricity - and the idea of manipulating micro-electric currents held sway for several decades.
This genesis gave rise to the pseudo-scientific name, and the initial pieces of radionic equipment clearly sought to ‘explain’ the phenomenon as a yet-to-be-discovered branch of medical physics. This was a clear parallel to the emerging field of modern dowsing, which went through a similar phase around much the same period.
However, in France and Belgium a more esoteric approach was taken to both subjects, which may yet enable us to gain a better understanding of the nature of radionics.
Alessandra also drew our attention to the work of Galen Hieronymous (1895 -1988) and his ‘cosmic pipe’ - a piece of quite basic technology designed to transmit a benevolent and all-pervading subtle energy across an entire field or landscape. Again, the dowsing equivalence with Patrick MacManaway working in an agricultural context, and the ‘towers of power’ found in Ireland and elsewhere, is immediately apparent.
More recently, radionics appears to have moved away from its pseudo-materialistic roots and has embraced the concept of healing, or at least the transmission of enhanced well-being, at a distance. The work of Ruth Drown in California is seen as seminal in this area of activity. It can be described as a form of information transfer, which infuses a cosmic matrix, with the aim of reinstating natural harmony.
Although, like dowsing, the idea could be applied to just about any field of work, radionics has usually been directed towards healing - and today, radionics is being used both to create homeopathic remedies and to determine the potency of required doses.
However, it has also been used, in least one example, to enhance the human ability to learn another language, which potentially could have a hugely beneficial application for those suffering with learning difficulties.
As the field has developed, some practitioners have continued along the route of manipulating micro-energies or forces, while others have made the connection to the use of shape and form as a source of beneficial information - evoking clear parallels with reiki and sacred geometry.
As with dowsing, there will always be a temptation to make any process unnecessarily over-complex - and the plethora of expensive radionics devices available on the internet needs to be considered carefully before purchase. However, and as ever, it’s horses for courses and different approaches will suit different practitioners.
In a direct example of the alternative mode of use, Alessandra explained that the latest development in the field is a project entitled Radionics Without Frontiers. This initiative brings together groups of people in the developing world to be introduced to the craft. They are given some basic training in the use of it, essentially without cost and using minimal equipment. Those who have not encountered such a concept before may have fewer barriers to giving it a fair trial, and it certainly appears to have been well received in countries with little prior exposure to the subject.
While there is doubtless a certain amount of evangelism involved, if the recipients find that they have a new skill - or at least a new source of useful knowledge - then it is something of a win-win scenario for everyone involved.
Again like dowsing, those who embraced radionics, especially during the transitional ‘black box’ period, were considered to be fraudulent by mainstream science. However, an increasing number of demonstrably beneficial interventions will inevitably require a change of stance, and maybe even a change of heart, amongst a wider tranche of the open-minded population.
Many thanks to Alessandra for this fascinating and informative introduction to such a potentially problematic field of endeavour.
Nigel Twinn Tamar Dowsers
November 2023
For more information, please see:https://www.radionic.co.uk