Dowsing Energy Bodies
A talk and workshop at North Hill Village Hall
for the Tamar Dowsers
by Helen Fox and Lesley Oates
Investigating human auras and their impact on wellbeing is one of the most
fascinating and useful aspects of the dowser’s craft. While it can be enlightening to
appreciate the scale of the universe or consider the reality of time, actually helping
someone to feel better - and even for them to make through to the following day - is
in a different league of practical application entirely.
The afternoon commenced with Camborne-based healer, Lesley Oates, giving us an overview of the concept of the human body forever floating in an ocean of energies.
These are forces at the edge of our perception, which nonetheless mould and influence our feelings and our emotions - and, by inference, our senses and our behaviours - to the
extent that both our mental and our physical health can be significantly enhanced.
Few modern practitioners would claim to directly heal the seriously ill or dangerously demented, but by using the simple investigative techniques of dowsing we certainly
appear to be able to locate sources of detrimental imbalance. We are then able to apply remote or hands-on healing to address an otherwise difficult-to-detect energetic issue - often with a consequential improvement to the recipient’s mental and/or physical situation.
Lesley explained the various auras that surround the physical body, and how these
interact across the dimensions via the chakra points, which have been identified since
time immemorial in various philosophies - notably those originating in South Asia
and the Far East.While there are generally considered to be seven main chakras in the human body, from the base of the spine to the crown of the skull, many dowsers and healers can identify further such points above and below the spinal chain, together with others in
the limbs and organs.
Having been given the academic background, we were then invited to sit on chairs, or
to lie on yoga mats or blankets, while a partner sought to locate our own chakra points
and to make an assessment of their state of balance.
In this instance, rods or pendulums were used for our assessment, although an
experienced healer would probably be more inclined to run their hands slowly over
the various chakra points and to engage even more intuitively with the ‘client’. Either
way, the object of the exercise was to identify the chakras of the sitting or prone
subject and to ‘measure’ the healthiness of each point. Most of us found most of the
points without too much difficulty. Some found more than others, with a few locating
additional chakra points above the head and below the base of the spine.
It was interesting to hear that in some cases where imbalances were found, these
tended to correspond with previously known medical conditions. It’s always nice to
have a bit or corroborative feedback!
Those with more confidence or experience went on to apply healing by holding their
rods or swinging their pendulum until they received the signal that remote healing had
been completed - at least to the extent that a provider could achieve in somewhat
artificial circumstances.
In Hands of Light, which has become the seminal work on the subject, Barbara
Brennan describes the chakras as swirling coloured vortices of energy. As ever, once
someone has put an idea into the information field, it is difficult not to see it in that
way. However, other spiritually adept practitioners tend to experience the chakras’
interfaces as more similar to tubes of light. What does seem to be a common
experience for people of many backgrounds and cultures, is the location of the seven
major points, their colours and their interaction with defined aspects of human
biology and biodynamics.
By the end of the workshop, we were better informed about the process of dowsing
energy bodies and, especially for the new members joining us this time, it was a good
opportunity to witness the application of the practical dowsing of wellbeing - with
subsequent non-physical remedial input, literally at first hand.
Many thanks to Helen and Lesley for providing this much appreciated event - and, as
ever, to all those who worked so hard to make it happen.
Nigel Twinn
Tamar Dowsers
December 2023