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May 2004 - Berry Castle

May 2004 found the TDs back on Bodmin Moor - and, after a couple of months of cutting-edge dowsing, looking for unknown features in unfamiliar landscapes, we were at least en route to somewhere we could recognise on a map.

Berry Castle is yet another of those patently obvious and accessible places in Cornwall, that, thankfully, few people get round to visiting.

A party of fourteen TDs and four newcomers turned up for the event. The sun shone, the birds sang and we just knew it would be another good afternoon's dowsing.

Annie started the proceedings by introducing a couple of novice teenagers to the responses of the rods. Naturally, they picked it up straight away - and have a lifetime ahead of them to try to work out what it all means.

Alan led the group around some of the dowsable energy evidence. We studied the crossing points of water and earth energy - and their relationship to the natural and mad-made features of the site.

There had been a substantial settlement on the hilltop during the Bronze Age. A large number of still-visible hut circles and associated buildings were evident. Alan, Larry and Jen dowsed a couple of wells, one of which seemed to have been polluted by underground minerals at some later stage, leaving a strong geopathic stress line for the group to investigate.

Gordon, whose original idea it had been to come to Berry Castle, showed us the site of the burial of a 'holy man' - the last of a line to have lived at the settlement - and a number of other features relating to the occupation of the castle. People had lived on this hill for over 1000 years and the energy they left behind in time was there for all to find.

The summit of the hill was criss-crossed by ley lines, some implemented in ancient times, others more recently - perhaps by the work associated with the building of the trig. point on the top of the outcrop.

The view from the apex was outstanding, with panoramic surveillance available in all directions. Even in times when the tree cover was more dense, this would have been a remarkable vantage point. It was easy to see why people, 4000 or more years ago, had chosen this place to locate their home.

Many thanks to Alan for giving us the benefit of his experience once again; to Gordon for bringing our attention to this little-known site; and to Annie for the handout -and for driving the organiser, who felt like death warmed up for most of the day, but still managed to enjoy himself!

Nigel Twinn

Tamar Dowsers

May 2004



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