As Peter Knight was giving his presentation to forty-odd members and friends of the TDs, it became apparent why the British Society of Dowsers had signed him up as the keynote speaker at their most recent international Conference.
Peter is that rare combination of someone who
has done his own groundbreaking research, understood the implications, written it up in
style and presented it in an understandable manner. Peter would have been virtually unknown to most of those attending this event, but given the number of his books that disappeared in the hands and handbags of the assembled group, he certainly inspired his audience to find out more.
In recent years, Peter’s line of investigation has been to understand, through dowsing, the series of geometrical shapes that are lodged in the ether in the counties that surround his Wiltshire home.
Many of us will have tracked ley lines across the countryside, running for countless miles in arrow-straight paths from horizon to horizon. Peter has taken this study one stage further, in finding a series of interlinked straight alignments that not only join hands across the hilltops, but do so in such a manner as to produce archetypal shapes, which constitute some of the basic building blocks of both the material and the non-physical world.
His inspiration for this venture was the discovery of the Michael/Mary ley by the late Hamish Miller. This line (which forms a coast to coast astronomical alignment as well as conjoining the two entwined earth energy lines) continues across the heart of southern England and forms a crucial strand of what he has termed The Wessex Astrum.
Peter has become aware that others are also latching onto this concept and that ‘his’ Wessex manifestation may be just one of a worldwide network of etheric shapes. In this, his work overlaps with that of both Miller and Richard Creightmore, who have themselves sought to understand the presence and origin of world-wide energy grids.
Perhaps a unique feature of Peter’s work is that he has discovered that many of the lines that form the Astrum - and particularly the nodal points on his picture - are actually natural hilltops. His whole pattern is littered with the high-points of the area, with comparatively few major apexes appearing off the grid.
This leads us back into the old debate about whether earth energy is a product of the actions and substance of the earth - or, indeed, whether it is the other way around. Peter’s map cannot draw any definitive conclusion to that debate, but the fact that the two seem to coincide so often is a remarkable finding in itself. That it can be substantiated by dowsing, provides another vital piece of evidence.
Before he became deeply involved in the Astrum project, Peter had been a dowser for some years, devoting much of his time to work on those sites that mark, or are marked by (!), the Michael and Mary Lines as they make their way across Devon and Cornwall. He had clearly spent many hours at the stone features of Dartmoor, in particular at the great stone rows, mysterious quoits and energetic circles - including Scorhill, Drizzelcombe, Grey Wethers, Merrivale and Drewsteignton.
These enigmatic locations can exert a powerful hold on the dowser and the sensitive. They have a vast, intricate mesh of energy lines and grids operating at a whole range of different levels. Peter’s visits to the South West clearly inspired him to search out similar energy emanations elsewhere. He has found, as many of the rest of us have found, that information and enlightenment seem to be drip-fed to the pilgrim as opportunities arise and maturity permits.
His insights at both our local sites and those ‘up the line’ provide us with an entirely new line of enquiry. Looking on the map of Dartmoor and of Bodmin Moor, there are numerous high points and panoramic places that could be part of a local Astrum - Yes Tor, Brent Tor, Kit Hill, Brown Willy - but, as we all know, there are big dangers in expecting to find anything specific. The only way to test it is to get out in the field with an open mind and our chosen implements - and a to devote a spare lifetime or two to working it all out.
Like many of us, dowsing has led Peter on to a deeper understanding of the world around and within us. Once you come to understand that the visible, tangible, material plane is just one section of the spectrum, it changes your whole view of the place you thought you inhabited. Developing a transcendent approach to space and time has enabled Peter to move on as a person - and in turn that has informed his attitude to dowsing.
He has found that this more holistic way of viewing the universe has focused his efforts on setting his own house in order - and it has inspired him to encourage others to re-evaluate the way that they too look at the impending plight of the planet and its people.
Peter is someone who speaks with conviction, and with evident compassion, about alternative scenarios for the future, yet he remains firmly grounded in the here and now. It’s an interesting mixture - and maybe it’s not too surprising that he has been able to sense the more complex and more obscure energies at well-trodden sites that may have eluded the attention of others.
Many thanks to Peter Knight for making the journey down from Wiltshire to talk to us. He clearly enjoyed his visit - as well as the birthday party in the local pub that he inadvertently gate-crashed the night before.